
A selection of my personal projects over the years. From small to not-so-small – anything that captured my interest long enough to be called a "project" goes here.


Retronix is a remake of the classic 1984 DOS game, Xonix. Initially I just wanted to code something for my Nexus Player. As I got further into the implementation I realised I can extract a common gameplay core and make it work on the desktop as well. And then I stumbled into GWT and implemented one more frontend with it. As a result the game builds for desktop Java, Android (both TV and touch devices) and is playable on the web.

Desktop, Android, Android TV, Web
Java, Android SDK, GWT
First release:
v1.0.0, April 2016
Latest update:
v1.1.4, May 2016


Replayer is a music player for practicing musicians. It provides realtime time streching & pitch shifting functionality, all wrapped in a simple user interface. The controls are exposed as one-handed keyboard shortcuts to simplify usage when holding an instrument. First released in 2013, the 1.1.4 version is available since November 2021.

Objective-C, Core Audio, OpenGL
First release:
v1.0, February 2013
Last update:
v1.1.4, November 2021

Replayer website · Mac App Store


Quicksend is a simple statusbar utility for uploading files to your Amazon S3 buckets. Just drag any file onto the Quicksend icon and receive a public URL in return. For simple use cases, Quicksend may replace more expensive upload & share tools, while giving the user full control over the storage of their files.

Swift, Alamofire, Amazon S3 REST API
First release:
v0.1, January 2016
Last update:
v0.1.2, January 2016

Download v0.1.2 · Source code on GitHub


Inspired by qrohlf's Trianglify project, Triangulator is primarily an exercise in Swift and Cocoa. A simple OS X desktop app for generating polygon-style pattern images. The application is open source and the code is available on GitHub.

First release:
v1.0, November 2015

Download v1.0.0 · Source code on GitHub

¿Cuánto es?

¿Cuánto es? was my first foray into the Android platform. A simple app to help you practice Spanish numerals. The app uses a flashcard-style interface and the builtin Android speech synthesizer allows you to check your pronunciation. At some point the app could be expanded to other languages and other types of practice material.

Java, Android SDK
First release:
v1.0, January 2015

Source code on GitHub