Łukasz Adamczak

Łukasz Adamczak

On paper

June 21, 2016 in: Thoughts

I read programming books on paper.

There, I said it. Not every one and not exclusively, but still. In the age of weekly screencasts, live coding streams, and bite-sized chunks of knowledge delivered via Twitter, I read programming books. On paper.

It’s not a mere sentiment. The smell of paper does not teleport me to a better time of wizards and fair maidens. I choose paper for its strengths. However, these strengths are often vastly underutilised. Now more than ever, it seems.

The paper book nowadays feels more and more like an afterthought. This here is my plea to the publisher and my humble contribution. Let’s make paper great again.

What this is not about

This post is not a discussion of “paper vs ebook”. I will not be claiming one is better than the other. Ebooks are a separate matter altogether. And although I do have an opinion about them, this is not the place.

This post is also not about content. Some books lend themselves to paper format better than others. I will pick up a decent reference on paper more likely than a great tutorial. But that’s not the point here.

And although there is one book that started it all, I don’t want to single any one out.

So what about then?

A few weeks ago I purchased Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide. I wanted to brush up on my Android fundamentals and this felt like the right one. I knew the content was bound to be good. I had read and loved the classic Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X a few years ago and I’d seen multiple recommendations online.

Upon receiving the book, my heart sank a little bit.

And since I hate unconstructive criticism, I got to thinking. What is it that makes some books so great on paper? How come one stays by my side on the desk while another gathers dust and barely ever leaves the shelf?

These questions are the foundation of this post. I cleaned up, organized and wrote down my thoughts. Here they are, for your consideration, listed as a set of tips for the publisher or the publisher-to-be.

The paper (dis)advantage

All the tips below stem from one key factor. You, the publisher, control “the screen”. You know the content and you understand how to present it best. You format the text and lay out the figures, tables and images. I don’t have a say in this. There’s no window to resize. There’s no keyboard shortcut to increase the font size.

By the time the book arrives at my doorstep, all these choices will have been made. And I’m fine with that.

But there are good choices and bad choices.

Tip 1: Don’t make me think

Learning a new subject is hard enough. Please don’t make it any more difficult by adding work for my eyes and brain. At a single glance I should see where a paragraph ends and a code listing begins. I should not expend energy trying to determine which line is the figure caption. A careful application of proximity, alignment and contrast should make these determinations instant and effortless.

A contrasting caption clearly distinguishes the code listing.
A contrasting caption clearly distinguishes the code listing.
Short code snippets don't need a caption. However, consistent indentation and a distinct narrow font make it clear that this is code.
Short code snippets don't need a caption. However, consistent indentation and a distinct narrow font make it clear that this is code.

With inadequate contrast and no help from alignment or proximity, the distinction gets blurred:

The caption blends with the paragraph above and code listing below. It is not immediately obvious where one ends and the other begins.
The caption blends with the paragraph above and code listing below. It is not immediately obvious where one ends and the other begins.

Tip 2: Guide my attention

Whenever I read a new chapter, I like to do the following:

  1. Set a timer for two minutes
  2. Scan through the entire chapter before time runs out
  3. Try to get a good overview of what it’s about

For an average 30-50 page chapter, two minutes should be enough to find out the following:

To facilitate this, the good books make it easy:

I would probably highlight this sentence myself anyway. Note the paragraph also contains monospace identifiers, but they don't stand out, nor do they need to.
I would probably highlight this sentence myself anyway. Note the paragraph also contains monospace identifiers, but they don't stand out, nor do they need to.

In others, way too many elements are fighting for my attention:

Overzealous usage of bold font makes it unclear what is most important.
Overzealous usage of bold font makes it unclear what is most important.
It gets even more confusing if multiple highlight styles are used.
It gets even more confusing if multiple highlight styles are used.

Tip 3: Use the tools at your disposal

Sure, you can just paste a block of code with inline comments and be done with it. But you could go that one extra step. Maybe point at it instead?

The gods of code won't strike you down for placing arrows along your listing. You can even put stuff in the margins!
The gods of code won't strike you down for placing arrows along your listing. You can even put stuff in the margins!

While you can’t embed a video in a paper book, with a little thought you can demonstrate motion or interaction just fine:

And if you’re feeling especially brave, you can take it to another level:

"This is my page and I can format it however I want". Head First editors, I applaud you.
"This is my page and I can format it however I want". Head First editors, I applaud you.

Tip 4: Lay it out

One specific tool at your disposal is page layout. Consider these two examples:

This page contains two screenshots, a NOTE box and related text
This page contains two screenshots, a NOTE box and related text
This page contains a screenshot and related text. It also mentions the second screenshot which, sadly, did not fit on the page.
This page contains a screenshot and related text. It also mentions the second screenshot which, sadly, did not fit on the page.

Makes you wonder if a 600-page book really needs to be 600 pages long. Could this have been laid out smarter?

Tip 5: Make it memorable

This is a byproduct of conscious layout and deliberate use of design principles. But it deserves a secion of its own. Make the pages memorable. Why does this matter?

A memorable page can be found quicker. Think about it: paper pages are constant. Whenever I look, page 167 will always look the same – it’s the one with the yellow screenshot in the corner and a “LEARN MORE” box further down.

This is a good thing. I can easily find the page on a quick scan. I don’t need to read any letters. I don’t need to make sense of anything. I spot the yellow outline and I know I’ve arrived. This is how my mind deals with a lack of Ctrl+F function.

However, this gets harder when subsequent pages have few discernible elements:

This is what I meant in the tweet by "indistinguishable pages".
This is what I meant in the tweet by "indistinguishable pages".

Bonus tip: Consider the entire screen

A paper book comes with its own “screen” built in. A large, high-resolution, high-contrast, glare free screen that reads perfectly in direct sunlight.

And when I say “the entire screen”, I mean this fifteen-inch beauty:

Few books consider this, but the ones that do hold a special place in my heart. To me this is what differentiates a real book from a long Word document cut into evenly sized pieces.

I’ve long been partial to the HTML and CSS Visual Quickstart Guide, which demonstrates this well:

Most subsections start on the lefthand page and continue on the right.
Most subsections start on the lefthand page and continue on the right.

Now let’s make it clear - this gets you extra credit. Few books go this extra mile and many are just fine without it. But please, pretty please… with sugar on top, at least contemplate these:


Samples in this post come from the following books:

Please note I have deliberately selected the samples to present the good and the bad. Any conclusions about the books based on the samples alone would be misguided and unwise.

For a wonderful explanation of design principles, I wholeheartedly recommend the classic Non Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams.

Following up

How do you feel about paper? Do you prefer a hard copy or don’t care one way or the other? I’d love to continue this discussion in the comments right here, on Twitter or anywhere else. Let me know!

If you find this topic interesting and the discussion worthwhile, please share this post. I’m looking forward to any feedback.